I'm going to be keeping a paper journal of my Ironman training, so I've decided to blog on here monthly with my weight and photos when I have them. The photo I'm uploading is flexing from a few weeks ago. I'm trying not to let the scale be my only definition of progress, so I'm only going to weigh myself on the first of the month.
I think I'd like to try to run a 1/2 marathon every month, but I'm not going to make that a resolution I have to stick to. My fitness resolutions are:
1. Train at least five hours a week
2. Drink twice as much water as soda
3. Bike 2,500 miles (did less than 1/2 that in 2014)
I think these are very doable and look forward to 1/1/16 when I can look back at this and see if I've stuck to my resolutions.
You've got this! I love your posts, they're always very inspiring to me (especially when I'm backsliding and really need to scrounge up the motivation to get back on track). 2015 is going to be a great year, you've set some very attainable goals and I'm confident you'll be pretty proud of yourself come next year!