Sunday, October 5, 2014

5K and 1/2 Marathon Weekend: 153.2

 signed up to do a 5K and 1/2 in a single weekend because doing it through the Rock n' Roll foundation would give me three medals total. I'm kinda a whore for medals and only just got my first one at the triathlon, so I paid my $40 and got excited. 

I've done a lot of 5Ks as fun runs, but never anything like this. I ran/walked and finished in 34 minutes, 11 minutes faster than any of my Fun Run times. I got my medal, ate my banana, and biked home. 

This was my first half marathon. I wasn't all that worried until my husband started talking about my Plan B if I couldn't finish. Not finishing wasn't even on my radar, but after he said that I got a little paranoid. Nonetheless, I mounted my bike and rode the 2 miles to the start line.

I was in the 2nd to last corral because I estimated my time to be 4 hours, though I was hoping for 3 hours. It took about 20 minutes to get up to the start line and then I was off. 

I used the Couch210K app and got off at a nice pace. I tried GU for the first time, which I know is a no no on race day, and it was amazing! I ate 3 of them through the race, washing them down with a bottle if water, and also drank 4 bottles of Gatorade. 

Everything was great until my ankle started hurting. I pushed through, but it wasn't fun... I ran along and all was well until mile 9 when everything started to go so slowly. 

Now, that's all nitty gritty, but there were LOTS of feelings. I kept telling myself "It don't matter how slow, as long as you go." I felt an incredible sense of pride when I finished. People doubted me, I doubted me, but I clipped along at 12 minutes a mile the whole time. 

My body is so strong, so beautiful, and just so amazing. I can always do so much more than I think I can. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel and just put this down as one more experience that proves to myself that I am unstoppable. 

I'm fucking amazing!

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